WRITTEN BY: Dawn Brown
FORMAT: Screenplay / 10 Pages
GENRE: Drama
SETTING: Vietnam, ’62, ’75

Frank and Charles drop out of college and go into the service. Frank gets a 4-F in the Navy and Charles, in the Army, flies a helicopter in Vietnam and deals with Agent Orange.

Frank and Charles were friends who met in college. When Charles was asking what he should do with his life, Frank told him to become a helicopter pilot in Vietnam. Charles was thrilled and as he finished Army Boot Camp, Charles got his helicopter license and went to Vietnam. Both Frank and Charles had quit their North Carolina college. Frank went to Navy Boot Camp which ended when the doctor said he was 4-F, unfit for service due to his “asthma.” Frank enrolled in Monmouth College in New Jersey. Frank wrote a letter to Charles in Vietnam. Charles read the letter as he was eating dinner in his hutch with the Vietnamese girl he had moved in with him. Charles thought Frank’s letter was funny. Charles said he would write back to Frank. Charles had become a Warrant Officer and a Military Transporter who flew soldiers and supplies from base to base in his helicopter. Charles dodged bullets fired from the Vietnamese and flew many times into the Agent Orange. When the war ended, Charles after telling the Vietnamese girl to go, flew on an airplane to his parent’s house. Through his coughing, he discovers that his hands and legs no longer work. Charles laid in his old bed and by the morning he was dead…dead from his Agent Orange exposure. Frank waited for his letter from Charles.