The Price of Dirt

TITLE: The Price Of Dirt
WRITTEN BY: Dawn Brown
FORMAT: Screenplay /  83 pages
GENRE: Drama
SETTING: New Jersey

The EPA stated that Price’s Pit was the most serious environmental problem in the United States, 1981. But this story is more than that…it’s about a man, his life, his family, his desires, and the company he kept.


Josh Price, born in 1913, was a big man with big ideas. He was an opportunist. When he saw a deal, he took it. Money represented a life beyond others – a form of superiority. His only real crimes were that of lying, denying, and trading money for toxic chemicals. He was influenced by powerful companies. He couldn’t say no to them. One must consider the times, 1970’s, when reading this script. Pollution and threats to human health and the environment, weren’t recognized or enforced. Who’s fault is that? And everything toxic is still getting dumped…it has to go somewhere.

SONGS: Sleepyville, What’s A Little Dirt?, Deals, Flying Zero, Nothing Matters, Toxic Money