WRITTEN BY: Dawn Brown
FORMAT: Screenplay
GENRE: Drama
SETTING: Current and 1737

Dying man and suicidal woman are transferred to 1737 during the Lenni Lenape land theft, the Walking Purchase.


Current. Fay’s husband causes her to want to kill herself. Bob’s life is destroyed from a mosquito bite. Both re-live their lives as Lenni Lenape, Native American Indians in 1737.

This is the year the Penn Proprietorship demands a Walking Purchase regarding the boundaries of land the Lenapes had sold to William Penn in 1682. The Lenapes deny
their ancestors agreed to sell their land as they believed land can never be owned.

The Proprietorship convinces them that they were given trinkets for the land and that this Walk will verify the distance.

Reluctantly, the Lenapes watch as three men, run not walk, a pre-blazed trail for one and a half days. Where the runners finish determines the amount of land the Proprietorship owns. Shamefully, the Whites hire a cartographer to enhance The Walk by enlarging the area to the north which more than doubles the amount of claimed land. Only one runner completes the run. One dies. The third limps home and never recovers. The Lenapes refused to abide by the Walk agreement. They continue to hunt, travel,
grow vegetables, and live on land they no longer own.

The Proprietorship calls upon the Six Nations to chastise the Lenapes. Chief Connestego calls them “women” and states that they, the Iroquois, had conquered them
and that the Lenapes never owned any land.

The Lenapes, humiliated and angry, decide to fight. They go to the house of the runner who made it to the end of the Walk. They shoot his daughter and then scalp and kill his wife. When the runner discovers the natives on his property, he shoots Etchemin (Bob) and mortally wounds him.

The Lenapes realize they must leave, that they can not win a war. They begin marching to Oklahoma.

Elu (Fay) helps Etchemin travel to the ocean where he can reach Ane (heaven.) The former egotistical beauty becomes a leader of her people. Bob and Fay waken realizing the importance of the past and how they can repair their lives.

Original quotes from various historical figures are incorporated into this script. Four songs have been composed, along with five chants.