White Raven

TITLE: White Raven
WRITTEN BY: Dawn Brown
FORMAT: Screenplay / 75 pages
GENRE: Drama
SETTING: Current, USA & Zimbabwe


White Raven is an eleven-song, musical, about an albino who goes to Africa to save herself and the wildlife there.


Ava Prince is an albino, who calls herself Ravena, because she relates to a white crow she saw as a child. In a dream, her great, great grandmother beckons her to come to Zimbabwe, where she can return to her roots. Ava’s feelings about her white hair and black skin, cause her to leave for Africa.

Ava wants to fight poachers there. She joins a anti-poaching group and learns to survive in the bush. But what she witnesses is alarming. Ava fails to find her place and she leaves Zimbabwe, unfulfilled. She remains hopeful in her quest for peace with herself as she begins to plan her next trip.

Song: Oreo, I’ve been Wondering, Money And Power, Black And White, Horns ‘A Plenty, It’s In The Can, Bush Meat, Born To Die, Africa’s Africa, What Will Be Left?, Wall-E World